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The Federation of North WalshamInfant and Junior Schools

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club runs from 8am until school starts. It is run by school staff out of the Junior School hall. The club caters for up to 60 children at a time, ensuring that there is a staff to child ratio of 1:15 at all times. A Senior Leader, Designated Safeguarding Lead and First Aider are always on site during these hours. 


Breakfast Club costs £2 per child, per day but is free for all children in receipt of benefits-related free school meals.


Our provision is supported by the National School Breakfast Programme, which enables us to offer a free breakfast to any child who requests one, whether they attend breakfast club or not. This means that we are able to offer our Breakfast 
Club wraparound care provision at a reduced cost to parents, as they do not have to pay for the food. We offer bagels and a range of healthy cereals to the children.   


To book your child a place in Breakfast Club, this must be done in advance via the Arbor app or website. Please speak to the school office if you need any assistance in doing so. 
