In order to assess how well the schools are meeting the aims of their curricula, a quality assurance framework is in place.
The key features of this are the following:
- Moderation and standardisation of our assessment data, both in-school and externally
- Assessment systems which give national benchmarking data, such as PiRA, PUMA and No More Marking Writing Assessments
- Regular monitoring of the quality of education by the Senior Leadership Team and external advisors, including reviewing the curriculum intent, monitoring the sequence/scheme of learning in different subjects, 'pupil book study', visits to lessons, talking to teachers and talking to pupils.
- Half-termly School Improvement Visits by the Trust.
- Termly updates of progress against the milestones in the Federation Improvement and Development Plan
- Read, Write Inc. monitoring visits
- Regular monitoring and analysis of attendance data
- Pupil surveys
- Parent surveys
- Staff wellbeing surveys
- Pupil coaching interviews
- Analysis of termly data
- Analysis of behaviour and pastoral information
- Governors' meetings
- Meetings of the Parent Council