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The Federation of North WalshamInfant and Junior Schools

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)


As inclusive schools, we offer the following ‘additional and different’ arrangements to support children with SEND.  This provision is over and above ‘Quality First Teaching’ which is the entitlement for all children.


Children attending our federation will get support that is specific to their individual needs. This may all be provided by the class teacher or may involve:

  • Advice and support from the School’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (Mrs Wyant) and other members of staff within the school.
  • Staff who visit from outside agencies such as the Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Service, Educational Psychologists, Dyslexia Outreach, Specialist Partners from SRBs or staff from Sensory Support (for children with visual or auditory impairments). 


Mrs Wyant is the Federation's SENCO (Special Education Needs Coordinator) and Inclusion Leader. She will be a key contact for you and can be emailed at: She can contacted by telephone via the school office: 01692 403013/405697.


To read what our schools offer, please click on the attached file below called SEND information report 2024-25. This explains how we support children who have additional needs in our schools.


We have additional adults available to provide support for pupils' learning in each year group. This is sometimes in small groups, more rarely 1-1 and more usually, in-class support. Some children require closer supervision because of their medical or physical needs. Pupils with an EHCP will have priority when allocating the limited additional adult support available, than pupils without an EHCP. 


We will provide every child who has additional needs, with a 'Learning Plan' which describes their individual needs and how we will support them in school to help them learn.   


Norfolk Local Authority is also responsible for some legal aspects of SEND provision and this link takes you to their information page:


Please contact Mrs Wyant, Mrs C Bell (Governor with responsibility for SEND) or the Executive Headteacher, if you have any questions about the support on offer to your child.

SEND Information Report 2024-2025
