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The Federation of North WalshamInfant and Junior Schools


In our school, we have big dreams for our futures. We have 'growth mindsets' and believe that anything is possible with hard work and commitment. All staff encourage all pupils to dream, believe, learn, achieve!


Teachers work hard to support pupils make links between subject knowledge and the disciplinary skills associated with each subject; developing the skills professionals need in their field and opening up pupils' wider future possibilities, interests or ambitions. For example,

In Science pupils are asked to 'think and work like Scientists' ...

In Design and Technology pupils are asked to 'think and work like Designers and Technicians'...

In History pupils are asked to 'think and work like Historians'...




What do I need to be able to do to be a...?

Futures Week

In the Spring Term of 2022 we held our first annual 'Futures Week'. Visitors from our local community as well as professionals from further afield came to our school to talk, share and demonstrate what they do at work. A wide range of physical and virtual visitors spoke to all of our children about their jobs, how they came to do them and which skills are needed in school in order for the children to work in this area in the future. Our pupils were set a wide number of practical tasks, challenges and projects to complete to give them a taste of how it might feel to live that role and what strengths, skills and personal qualities might be needed to be successful.

Many pupils changed their future aspirations by the end of the week after experiencing a job, role or skill they had not encountered before! 


Futures Week 22/23 will be: Monday 27th March- Friday 31st March 2023
