Please contact the school office if you would like a tour of our schools.

The Federation of North WalshamInfant and Junior Schools


Dear Parents and Carers,


I am delighted to inform you that the final Ofsted inspection report from the Junior School’s two-day inspection on 21st and 22nd September accompanies this covering letter. The report will also be accessible via the school website today and published on the official Ofsted report website, eight working days from today’s date. The purpose of an ‘ungraded’ inspection is to gauge whether a school continues to be ‘good’ as indicated in our previous report in July 2015, or to find out whether there is evidence to suggest a school is above or below its original grading.


As you will read in the report, OFSTED agreed with our self-evaluation that this remains a very good school.


The inspector was impressed with our strong culture of safeguarding and our extensive curriculum offer here, both in academic lessons and beyond lessons in our personal development curriculum. We were thrilled that the inspector also praised the high quality of teaching in reading, which was judged to be a strength of the school, as well as our commitment to being ambitious for every child, ensuring that they are well supported to be successful in their learning at school and in their preparation for secondary school.


The report recognises the hard work of the whole school and Broad Horizons Trust community and we would like to thank you for your continued support to ensure that our children not only learn well but flourish.


Yours faithfully,

Mrs Jo Read

Executive Headteacher


